Getting Started with Royal Rangers
Royal Rangers has established first rate curriculum, innovative mentorship and discipleship methods, and top of the line training programs. How does a church recognize the need to mentor boys and then translate that need into a functioning Royal Rangers outpost. It can be a daunting task to establish and outpost without some type of assistance.
From the origination of Royal Rangers, the mission has been to Reach, Teach, and Keep boys for Jesus Christ. In more recent times, the challenge has evolved to Evangelize, Equip, and Empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. Royal Rangers is designed to fill the need.
It should be easy for a church to identify the need of Christlike mentorship for boys ‐ even if there is just a single boy in the church. The challenge for the church is implementing the Royal Rangers to meet the need. The first step in implementing any program or ministry, is to make sure it is part of the pastor's vision for the church. The pastor or a designated champion will need to invest some time to make the idea of a Royal Rangers outpost a reality.
Once a church has determined that Royal Rangers can fill the need of creating mentoring relationships for boys, a number of basic organizational structures must be developed. The idea is to create a program that best fits the overall function of the local church.
Why Do Gender Specific Ministry?
Gender-specific ministry plays a crucial role in mentoring kids and young people into the Christlike individuals they were created to be. This video provides the top five reasons for a gender-specific approach to ministry that serve as the basis for the Royal Rangers and Girl’s Ministry programs.
Royal Rangers Program Overview
In this video, an introduction to the Royal Rangers program is provided, including the components of a weekly meeting, the diversity of activities conducted to provide something for every boy, and the key elements of the program that provide every church with a platform for mentoring boys into Christlike manhood.
Starting a Royal Rangers Program
This video introduces the eight steps to starting a new Royal Rangers program: learn, enlist, equip, plan, resource, promote, launch, and maintain. If you’re looking for help getting your program started, this is a great place to begin.
Introduction to the OLO
This video introduces the Outpost Leader Orientation (OLO). The OLO is a tool to be used at the outpost level to quickly onboard new leaders and to explain how the outpost aligns with the vision and mission of the church. This tool is targeted to be used by the outpost coordinator, pastor that oversees the Royal Rangers ministry at the church, and the new leader. There is additional documentation that goes with the OLO. Contact your district staff for access to these documents.
Outpost Leader Orientation (OLO)
Outpost Leader Orientation, also known as OLO, is an onboarding tool used by the new leader at the Outpost level. This program serves as a quick introduction to Royal Rangers, guiding the new leader through onboarding. OLO consist of 4 easy requirements to be completed by the leader, including meeting with the Pastor who oversees the Royal Ranger ministry in the church. If you are an existing Royal Ranger leader, you can complete OLO and it will count as a District Continuous Learning Elective (made official on the Royal Ranger website).
Royal Rangers Lite
Once a church has determined that Royal Rangers can fill the need of creating mentoring relationships for boys, a number of basic organizational structures must be developed. The idea is to create a program that best fits the overall function of the local church. Royal Rangers Lite allow a church to customize and mold the Royal Rangers ministry to fit the unique environment of the local church.
Royal Rangers Lite Presentation