Royal Rangers Special Groups
Although Royal Rangers leaders, boys, and young men share many common interests, variety and diversity are also common. With these differences in mind the Royal Rangers program features a number of components of special interest to certain types of our membership. Follow the links below learn more about the special programs offered by Royal Rangers.

Royal Rangers International (RRI)
​Royal Rangers International (RRI) is a ministry that resources, provides training, and supports national Royal Rangers ministries around the world. RRI provides resources adaptable for any culture, as well as outlets for dialog on building better ministries to children within indigenous cultures. This organization uses sports evangelism, leadership development, and a variety of other activities to accomplish their goals.
For more information on the work of Royal Rangers International, please visit: www.royalrangersinternational.com

Royal Rangers Alumni (RRA)
Royal Rangers leaders 55 years old and older are being recruited for the Royal Rangers Alumni. If you are not active in Royal Rangers, but you would like to remain a part of the Royal Rangers ministry, why not join the RRA? Membership is not limited to "retired" Royal Rangers commanders, it is available to any Royal Rangers commander who is over 55 years old and in good standing with his/her church. As a RRA member you can serve as much or as little as you desire. Share your talents and skills with the boys and younger leaders by joining the RRA.
Continuing to Serve